AR view
UI that makes all users feel right at home.
User interfaces are what makes a medium go mass-market. So Tropos AR picked the most logical solution: A user interface based on the one camera interface everyone is used to: your phone's photo/video camera.
This UI design, protected by a design patent in the The Hague Agreement, delivers one single screen that puts every type of AR magic at your user's fingertips. Interacting with objects, recording and sharing, way-finding through the patent protected AR compass and even drawing in mid air. All in one handy screen.

Record/share - interact - exit
Map - AR modes - AI
Light SDK vs Full SDK

Home to all your
amazing AR content.
Just like with video, the AR medium needs a place where users can explore, find and store augmented reality experiences.​
A submenu system that showcases key AR experiences, offers content segmentation, quick start options and size info. As well as a subscreen that allows every individual piece to shine.

The ultimate in digital gamification
In the world of augmented reality, gamification is the name of the game. Go for the Full Tropos AR SDK and you'll get access to integrated gamification and reward tools. Every piece of AR content nets your user experience points. And its up to you to decide when to reward your user with true 3D rewards, which can be selected to be visualised on a mini-podium made out of hexagons.
User account and app options in one place.
AR rewards require users to log in and create an account. They can do so by using the framework available in the SDK, or developers can link their own user registration.
The Tropos AR SDK supports English, French & Dutch languages, as well as an option to define the resolution in which the app captures video.